Medal commemorating the Coronation of Edward VII, 1902

Found by Adam at our recent West Down dig. Medal commemorating the Coronation of Edward VII, 1902. Obverse: Heads of Edward VII
Found by Adam at our recent West Down dig. Medal commemorating the Coronation of Edward VII, 1902. Obverse: Heads of Edward VII
This event will take place on 27/08/23. Everyone sets off at 9.30am, please make sure you are here for 9am. To register
DCDD metal detectorist Rob Cooper finds lost ring! Words of Rob on our Facebook page “It’s a rewarding feeling when you reunite
To register as going to this event please visit our Facebook groups event section if possible. Digs are pay on the day; if
Top section of a Roman key discovered at our Hermitage dig by Ricky Pancherz.
This event will take place on 16/07/2023. Everyone sets off at 9.00am, please make sure you are here for 8.30am. To register
Cornish metal detectorist Andy Britten has talked of a strange unidentified object he claims to have spotted in the sky on last